Monday, December 7, 2009

disasters, teething and petals.

After attempting to recover from what was the yuckiest weekend that I can remember in a while, the recovering isn't happening at fast as I would like. We had one of those weekends where when another thing went wrong after the first 5 things that went wrong, you just have to laugh or you'll explode into something that resembles a 3-year-old having a meltdown...trying to not let Satan defeat us.

And I seriously don't remember how excruciating teething 1st molars can be...I know what's been true for me in my experience as a mom, is that once Hunter went through any sort of semi-traumatic phase in babyhood/toddlerhood, I just tried to forget the whole experience. And so now when Carter goes through these phases, I think..."wow...this is terrible!!!"..."will it ever end?!?!?"..."what do I do?!?!" as if this was my first child. Does anybody else do this? At least this time I am ahead of the game because I bought a teething bumper a while back for Carter's crib to avoid the midnight "eat my crib" snack that Hunter so faithfully partook of when he was teething...and yes, his crib was rather mangled when he was finished with it.

Newsflash of the century::: HUNTER IS USING THE PETALS ON HIS BIKE!!!! now this might sound silly, but it's a huge deal. Hunter's been riding his bike since he was 18 months old and only used his feet to push himself around...the stubborn little cutie that he is, would always refuse to use the petals even to the point of jumping off the bike and landing on his face if you suggested he just try. Well, he did today with no coaxing at all. In fact, I was on the phone with Mike, when I heard him screaming, "Mommy! I using the petals! I doin' it!!" Seriously?!!? Why today? Why 19 months later? Why????? Because he's Hunter and he does it when he wants.

Friday, November 20, 2009

....been a while

so i'm not totally attached to my blog yet [which is pretty obvious]. i want to become good friends with it, but it hasn't happened thus far. dear blog, i will try harder to update you more often with lovely stories and beautiful pictures.

i did such a "mommy braindead" thing last night. i always take a shower every other night and a bath the nights that i don't take showers to kind of spice up my life a little. so last night, i just wanted to take a shower and so i did. i woke up this morning and wondered why in the world my hair looked greasy if i just took a shower last night. and as i thought back, i could not even remember if i washed my hair or not. still to this very minute, i cannot recall anything about the shower itself...hopefully, i at least washed myself...who knows at this point!??!? but the evidence is clear that i didn't wash my hair. but the weird thing was that when i told mike this story he tells me the exact same story about himself forgetting to wash his hair last night too while in the shower...he couldn't believe he had forgotten. what??!?!? too weird. and so all that to say, i really super dislike the mommy brain-less moments that we all go through. all you moms out there should post funny stories about your brain temporarily leaving your body. that would be fun. <3.

Monday, October 5, 2009


here are some new pics of the boys...some are from the other day and most of them I took this morning before dropping Hunter off at pre-school...enjoy!

Friday, October 2, 2009

beautiful messes.

If I let myself, sometimes I can get so frustrated and frazzled at the amount of messes two little boys under 3 can make. I mean within minutes it can go from calm to chaos.

But then I step back sometimes and am thankful for those beautiful messes. The pure joy of even having the privilege to raise two beautiful boys that make said messes is beyond words. I do struggle with keeping the house spotless, but I have to remember that it doesn't have to be. It's not a show-house, it's not a place that we just sleep in, we LIVE here and not to mention we also have a tiny little dog that likes to make an occasional mess herself....mostly for added attention.

So while my other family members houses might be spotless pretty much consistently, I do not apologize for the occasional stain on the floor or pile of toys that got dragged into the living room. It's our house and more importantly, our home. And I'm mostly thankful for the beautiful messer-uppers named Hunter and Carter. <3.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

boys with attitudes

So the past couple of days Carter has given me pure attitude, especially in the mornings. My once compliant, pleasant-natured son wakes up at 7:15am fussing and screaming...almost tantrum-like. Once I eventually gather up the courage to face the "morning monster" I am greeted with even more wails and the biggest crocodile tears you've ever seen! I don't know where those days of getting smiles and giggles went to, but I'm patiently waiting for them to come back...well, maybe not so patiently. So I take a deep breath..............and just act as positive as possible. I sat him down after holding him a few minutes and it's like someone cut on the "monster" switch again. I can barely get Hunter up and dressed without my little monkey climbing and crying all over me, like I'm about to leave and never come back. It's like he's been transformed into this "mommy magnet" that I can't seem to console at times.

Did this even happen with Hunter at this age? I don't even remember. I do know that Hunter had been walking well for 3 months by now and was fairly independent for a 12 month old. Not this clingy....hmmm....I'm just perplexed........and tired.

And problem/concern #2: Hunter refuses to get dirty. I mean, I know he has this complex about anything getting on his hands, but I thought that when it came to doing something fun, getting dirty would just be part of the game for him. NO...I was wrong. His teacher tells me that he's refused to finger paint everytime it's been offered, he didn't want to participate in the "garden" art activity 'cause he didn't want to put "dirty seeds" on his picture, but yet, and excuse my honesty here, he will poop in his underwear during naptime and try to clean himself up...even to the point of getting it on his comforter!!!!!! Somebody explain this to me!!

I don't get it!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Here is my new blog. I've been "blogless" for a couple of years now ever since I stopped using Xanga. Hopefully, I can become blog saavy again.

stay tuned for some exciting material!

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